

Lingering and euphoria

It is said that the etymology of the word 'rice plant' in Japanese means 'the root of life'.
It goes without saying that the main ingredient of Sake is rice, and rice is the staple food of the Japanese people.
In the late Jomon period, when our ancestors acquired rice from rice plants, our society transformed, going from hunter-gatherers to cultivators. At the same time, the means of sustaining life changed radically. It became a source of life that satisfied hunger.
We have been growing our own Yamada Nishiki in Kurodasho, Hyogo Prefecture, since 2010. The more we cultivate, the more we think about the history of rice in Japan and the endeavor that our ancestors went through.
We have labeled it "Inone" with love and respect for the belief that "rice is the root of life" which has been spun over thousands of years.


Inone Five stars ★★★★★

Rice variety used: Yamada Nishiki
This Sake is brewed using only rice that has been certified 5-star by our own standards.

It expresses richness in aromas and acidity, a lengthy finish and the exhilarant sensation that is characteristic of brewing with exceptional ingredients. It is a Sake that can be matured for a long time.

Inone Four Stars ★★★★

Rice variety used: Yamada Nishiki
This Sake is brewed using only rice that has been certified 4-star by our own standards.

It expresses richness in aromas and acidity, a lengthy finish and the exhilarant sensation that is characteristic of brewing with exceptional ingredients. It is a Sake that can be matured for a long time.

Inone Three Stars ★★★

Rice variety used: Yamada Nishiki
This Sake is brewed using only rice that has been certified 3-star by our own standards.

It expresses richness in aromas and acidity, a lengthy finish and the exhilarant sensation that is characteristic of brewing with exceptional ingredients. It is a Sake that can be matured for a long time.